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Save to Pocket

Save to Pocket

Save to Pocket is a browser extension that lets you save articles, videos, and more. With over 2 M+ users, it promises a cross-device reading experience for perfect organization. But does it deliver?

Save to Pocket is designed to simplify saving content on different devices and provide a distraction-free reading environment.

The browser extension from Mozilla has over 2 million users and a rating of 4.2 with 7,800 reviews. We tested Save to Pocket to see how it compares to other productivity tools and whether it delivers its promises.

In this review, we look at its features, price, pros and cons, and overall performance.

Key Features

  • One-Click Saving: Save articles, videos, and more with a single click.
  • Cross-Device Sync: Access your saved content across all your devices.
  • Tagging System: Organize your saved items with tags.
  • Clean Reading Environment: Enjoy a distraction-free space to read your saved content.
  • Pocket Premium: Offers additional features like custom fonts, a permanent library, and unlimited highlights.


  • Easy to use with one-click saving
  • Syncs across multiple devices
  • Clean reading environment
  • Tagging system for organization


  • Login issues reported by users
  • Instructions for starting are missing
  • Not very user-friendly


Save to Pocket offers both free and premium plans:

  • Free Account:
    • Save, read, watch & listen
  • Premium Annual Membership: $44.99/year
    • Permanent library
    • Suggested tags
    • Full-text search
    • Unlimited highlights
    • Premium fonts
  • Premium Monthly Membership: $4.99/month
    • Same features as the annual plan



Save to Pocket earned a score of 7.4 out of 10 in our tests. This rating suggests a tool that performs adequately but may require improvements in certain areas.

In our review of Save to Pocket, we considered the categories Features, Design, Ease of Use, Security & Privacy, Value for Money and Performance. Each category was given equal importance and we'll dive into the details of each in the following section.


Save to Pocket offers a range of useful functions.
The standard is that of saving websites with one click and subsequent cross-device synchronization. This worked almost in real-time in the test and is a strong advantage of the tool.


The tagging system is particularly helpful for anyone who wants to organize and find their tags. This did not always work perfectly in the test. Sometimes websites were tagged, but these did not appear in the search with a unique search term.


Compared to competitors such as Web-Highlights, the highlighting function is only possible after saving a website in the pocket and then searching there. It is not possible to highlight directly on the website.



The extension has a clear and intuitive design. The distraction-free reading environment is a good feature. However, the login process could be a little clearer.

Ease of Use

The tool is generally easy to use, but the lack of initial instructions can be a problem for new users. There are also recurring registration problems, which are reported by other users in the reviews.

Security & Privacy

Save to Pocket uses industry-standard security measures, including encryption and firewalls. However, there could be stronger assurances regarding data security and liability for third-party services.

Value for Money

The free version offers basic functions that should be sufficient for many users. The premium version offers additional functions such as full-text searches or improved tagging. The price-performance ratio is fine for us but could be too high for many basic users if they only use it occasionally.


The extension works when saving and synchronizing content on different devices. This happens almost in real-time.
However, there are performance problems with the login process, where the tab is closed on the first attempt without a login. It worked on the second attempt. There are many reports of problems with the login process in the reviews.
Searching for tags also did not work properly, 4 pages were tagged with “Web Clipper”, when searching for it only 2 pages were displayed again.


Save to Pocket is a tool for anyone who wants to save and organize web content efficiently.

Its cross-device synchronization makes it a valuable addition to your productivity toolkit. However, it does have some drawbacks, such as occasional login issues and a lack of detailed instructions. Beginners in particular may struggle here.

Overall, it's a solid choice for anyone who needs a reliable content storage solution.



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Available Platforms

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Save to Pocket is available on Chrome Web StoreSave to Pocket is available on Microsoft Edge StoreSave to Pocket is available on BraveSave to Pocket is available on VivaldiSave to Pocket is available on Opera

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